“Improving Growth with Science and Technology Since 1976”

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

SAP Analysis

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Sap analysis measures the nutrient concentrations that are available to the plant at the time of sampling. This allows you to monitor nutrient uptake and detect deficiencies before they become visible. Monitoring the nutrients in plant sap provides in-depth, practical insights into the factors which influence nutrient uptake at different stages of growth.

The Benefits of SAP Analysis

· Faster results, in many cases the same day the sample arrives in the laboratory

· Early detection of nutritional deficiencies before crop performance is affected

· Reveals varietal differences in nutrient uptake

· Better fertilizer decisions in timing, placement and fertilizer type

· Savings due to proper fertilizer applications

· Reliable yield and quality – less deficiencies or imbalances, sustained growth

· Improved disease resistance of well balanced crops

· An insight into growing conditions

· Insight into next years crop

New Location In The Delta!

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Waters Agricultural Laboratories, Inc. is pleased to announce the opening of our 4th laboratory in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Vicksburg is centrally located in the heart of the Delta.  This will give customers the option to deliver samples directly to the lab and will provide one day shipping for most customers in the region.

Waters Lab has been committed to agriculture for more than 40 years and has greatly appreciated the loyalty and commitment of our customers. With the growth of our company, the continued growth of Precision Ag and agriculture in general, we have opened this facility in Mississippi in order to maintain and increase that commitment.  This lab will provide the same quality service you’ve come to expect from other Waters Lab locations with more timely service and support to our valued Mississippi customers.

Our Mississippi facility is 8000 square feet with ample room for expansion. It is fully equipped with new state-of-the-art equipment and is now completely operational. We employ onsite Agronomists, Chemists, Biologists, Lab Technicians, Office Personnel, and Customer Service Representatives. Additional services and new tools only available from Waters Lab will be announced in the near future.

Soil Health Test

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What is Soil Health?
Soil Health means different things depending on who you ask. Generally, it is an overall rating of the total health of the soil, considering biological, chemical, and physical factors.
To Waters Lab, Soil Health means potential beneath the soil surface. Soil Health Testing gives growers the opportunity to evaluate their management practices and make better decisions on the farm. Better yields start with a healthy soil.



What does the Soil Health Test Include?
Waters Lab Soil Health and Fertility Report will include the following:
• Basic 4 Soil Test – Complete Nutrient Analysis
• Aluminum, Sodium, and Soluble Salts
• Nitrate Nitrogen and Ammonium Nitrogen
• Solvita CO2 Burst Test
• Solvita SLAN Test
• Active Carbon
• VAST Aggregate Stability
• Organic Matter

These test parameters are used to calculate the Soil Health Score as well as the Soil Fertility Score. Each report is color-coded to easily depict areas needing attention. Accompanying the report is a detailed description of each Soil Health Factor, as well as an explanation of how the Health and Fertility scores are calculated.

Waters Agricultural Laboratories, Inc is held in high regard in the industry, especially among our customers. This is due to our knowledgeable staff, consistent and timely results, and most importantly—our quality analytics. 

We strive to continue providing customers with the most up-to-date methods of monitoring their soil to achieve its maximum potential. With Soil Health Testing through Waters Lab, our customers receive accurate and USEFUL data for on-farm applications.

Soil CO2 Respiration Test

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Soil Health — Biological Activity

Potential Nitrogen Mineralization Rate

Waters lab is now offering the Solvita – CO2 soil respiration test. Growers are increasingly interested in soil biological factors to be included as part of their soil test. This test is designed to help growers potentially reduce their Nitrogen applications throughout the growing season. The test also monitors the effectiveness of manure applications, identifies management problems, and evaluates the “Soil Health” by looking at the microbial activity of the soil. The Solvita CO2 test measures the release or burst of CO2 in soils after being dried and rehydrated in the lab. The amount of CO2 is directly linked to Nitrogen mineralization and microbial activity. Microbial respiration of soil organic matter releases CO2 and nutrients to crops. Essentially, the higher the CO2 the higher your microbial bio-activity, and the higher potential Nitrogen release.


Solvita Test vs. Soil Nitrate-N

The soil respiration test shows the potential nitrogen released due to mineralization while a traditional Nitrate-N test shows residual Nitrogen that is currently available in the soil. Both tests are not required but coupled together will give you the information to more effectively manage your Nitrogen requirements.

Why Do I Need This Test?

Growers are naturally interested in maximum yields, but today they are also interested in economic concerns, the environment, and sustainability on their farms. Many government programs and environmental pressures from the market place are prompting and in some cases requiring growers to have a plan to more effectively manage the use of Nitrogen.

How and When to Sample

Follow standard sampling procedures to obtain a representative sample. Samples should be taken at a depth of 6 inches. Since most samples are taken at this depth, the same sample may be used for your regular nutritional soil test, the Solvita test, and a nitrate test. Be sure to fill the soil sample bag to the fill line. Samples can be taken at anytime but should be taken before applying fertilizer.

 Sample Report

Sample report will include CO2-C ppm, Soil Condition Rating, Biomass Carbon ppm, the Estimated Mineralizable Nitrogen lbs/acre, and Nitrate-N lbs/acre if requested.