Translating DNA into Data
Soil is an essential natural resource. The way in which soil is managed can improve or reduce the quality of that resource. Healthy soil can provide many functions that support plant growth, some of which include nutrient cycling and biological control of plant pests.
Being able to monitor the microbial activity in soil, via DNA sequencing, can provide valuable insight into factors that determine crop health and yield, as well as the quality of the plant and the food they produce. Microbes in the soil aid in nutrient up-take, help control the development of pathogens and play vital roles in production of plant hormones.
By partnering with BiomeMakers, Waters Agricultural Laboratories is now able to offer understanding as to how the microbiome and agricultural practices impact soil health. With a single BeCrop+ test, we can assess the functional status of the soil in relation to microbial biodiversity, detection of pathogens and microbial nutrient cycling. The data can be used to provide actionable recommendations and optimize the use of inputs.
Our BeCrop+ testing package includes:
Microbiome Functionality: an all-in-one genetic soil assessment, including:
- Biosustainability
- Fungal & Bacterial Phylum Distribution
- Health (i.e. Crop Specific Pathogens, Biocontrol, Hormone Production & Stress Adaptation)
- Nutritional Pathways based on microbial activity
Full nutritional panel: Nitrate (NO3), Ammonia (NH4), Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Boron, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Soluble Salts and Organic Matter
Real Value to Farmers and Agronomist:
- Yield Improvements
- Crop Quality
- Disease Risk Management
- Deeper knowledge concerning the soils biodiversity, heath, and nutrition
- Track changes in soil health as a results of farm management practices
- Solve the unsolvable in problem fields
Several practices for improving overall soil health:
- Monitoring microbial activity
- Increasing Organic Matter
- Implementing “No-till” practices and crop rotation
- Cover crops
- Regulating air and water flow by increasing aggregate stability
- Application of Biological products
- Overall nutrient management
Example BeCrop+ Report: