LabTalk Online – Data Management Portal
The latest version of LabTalk, our data management software, is now LabTalk Online. This online portal allows our clients to electronically view sample results on screen, download reports, export data, print special reports, view invoices and make payments. This system has been designed to work on any device so you are not tied to a desktop to get your results. Access for multiple users and multiple locations is also available. The new LabTalk is also MODUS compliant allowing for precise control of your data. Coupled with our email notification program and our FastBack 24-48 hour turnaround time LabTalk Online can provide you with your results when you need them wherever you are.
Lab Results
Lab results for Soil and Plant samples are displayed by sets. Each set automatically displays the average results and recommendations for that set. You can then click through each sample result and recommendation on screen. With just a simple click you can access, view, print, save or email the actual PDF lab report. This also includes any special report your company may have. Data can also be exported in multiple formats with just a click. Data is organized by most recent results so that you can quickly find what your information..
Crop Changes & Target pH
Crop changes and target pH can be instantly changed online with just a click using the Create RX option. With an extensive list of crops and yields customized for each lab, extraction method, and region you can get your recommendations instantly. A new PDF report can be saved as well as new onscreen data . A Batch feature allows for multiple reports to be changed and emailed directly to you. Because the data is MODUS compliant, the system will ensure that the proper recommendations are made.
Invoices and Payments
Invoices are now available online. The information can be viewed on screen, or you can access a PDF of the actual invoice. Invoices are organized by most recent making them easy to locate. Invoices with multiple growers display the amount for each grower making your record keeping easier. Payments can also be made directly online and invoices will be marked paid after processing.
Statistical Reports and More
LabTalk Online, like the previous versions, has several additional reports and batch printing options. These include averaging reports and lime only reports. New data analysis tools for soil and plant. There are also links to order supplies, access to submittal forms and online help. More features and reports will be added soon.
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