It is always a good idea to know the analysis of the fertilizer you are purchasing or manufacturing. Regulatory specifications require manufacturers to be able to verify their claimed contents. The failure to meet specifications can result in a fine for the manufacturer. Be sure to protect yourself and your investment by having your fertilizer products analyzed.
Choose your lab for sample submittal forms:
Standard Test Packages:
Fertilizer Test 1: Total Nitrogen and Total or Available Phosphorus
Fertilizer Test 2: Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus (P2O5) or Available Phosphorus and Potash (K2O)
Fertilizer Test 3: Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Available Phosphorus and Potash (K2O)
Fertilizer Test 4: Total Nitrogen and Potash (K2O)
Fertilizer Test 5: Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus (P2O5), Non-Ortho Phosphorus and Conversion
Fertilizer Test 6: Available Phosphorus and Potash (K2O)
Fertilizer Test 7: Total, Available and Insoluble Phosphorus and Free Acid
Individual Elemental Analysis:
We will test for individual elements or any combination of the following:
Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium (Total), Magnesium (Water Soluble), Boron, Aluminum, Sodium, Molybdenum, Lead, Nickel, Cobalt, Chromium, and Cadmium.
EDTA Soluble: Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, and Cobalt.
Heavy Metals: For elements not listed above see Heavy Metal Services.
Agricultural Lime is one of the least expensive, but most valuable inputs a producer can utilize in their soil fertility program. Proper soil pH is the basic building block of any soil fertility program and a major factor in nutrient availability. There are numerous sources of agricultural lime located in all regions of the United States. However, each source can vary in physical and chemical quality. Lime testing allows distributors and producers the knowledge to make proper lime applications.
Limestone and Gypsum Tests:
- Calcium and Magnesium
- Calcium, Magnesium, Total Neutralizing Value (CaCO3)
- Total Neutralizing Value (CaCO3 Equivalent)
- Gypsum (Moisture, Calcium, Sulfur, CaSO4 -2H20)
- Moisture
- Mechanical Sieve Analysis (4 Screen Sizes) Please Specify Screen Sizes.
Methods Used:
- Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International
- Fertilizer Sampling and Analytical Procedures – The Fertilizer Institute
- Fully staffed laboratory including Ph.D., Chemist, Biologist, and Trained Technicians.
Fully equipped laboratory including:
- Kjeldahl Digestion and Distillation
- ICP’s
- Spectrophotometers
Memberships & Affiliations:
- AOAC International
- Fluid Fertilizer Foundation
- Georgia Plant Food Education Society
- Association of American Plant Control Officials Magruder Fertilizer Check Program
- Association of Florida Phosphate Chemists
Please contact the lab for services that are not listed above.